Captain Bob Harding
P.O. Box 1256, Naples,
FL. 34106
Tel: 239-777-0564
Office Hours: 7AM - 7PM
Captain Bob Harding
P.O. Box 1256, Naples,
FL. 34106
Tel: 239-777-0564
Office Hours: 7AM - 7PM

Welcome To Proper Yacht Surveys
With more than 30 years of professional maritime experience, Capt. Bob Harding founded Proper Yacht Surveys to assist clients with surveys of vessels being considered for purchase and to provide an unbiased confidential evaluation for lenders and insurers. Additionally, consultation in regards to a vessel’s repairs, restoration and upgrades are services provided by Proper Yacht Surveys.
Bob’s early years of living and cruising aboard the families 45’ wooden yawl from Maine to the southernmost Caribbean Islands formed his foundation and love of all things marine. A licensed USCG Captain for the past 32 years, a former Service Manager at two yacht dealerships, a yacht maintenance company owner, a licensed broker and a graduate of Chapman’s School of Seamanship Yacht and Small Craft Surveying leads to the experience and knowledge to provide detailed valuations, reports and findings on a vessels overall condition.
Surveys performed by PYS are compliant and referenced with the standards set forth and established by United States Code & Federal regulations (CFR’s) as they pertain to safe boating practices. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the voluntary standards and recommended practices of the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) are also referenced through-out the survey report.

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