Welcome to Dr. CBD & Nutrition Centers
Our Mission:
Our mission is to inspire people to live a Lifestyle of Wellness by using holistic and integrative methodologies to reverse or prevent avoidable metabolic dysfunction and enhance one's life and vitality.

Our Vision:
We aspire to encourage people to live healthier and more balanced lives by maintaining homeostasis through nutrition, exercise, intermittent fasting, and stress management. Our multi-modal approach to health and wellness, in combination with stress management, will achieve this endpoint and create lasting, sustainable results.

There are many people who suffer from metabolic disorders and medical diseases. It can be said with certainty that a lack of proper, adequate nutrition and exercise, combined with poor stress management, has contributed to a rise in obesity, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer, depression, insomnia, and many other preventable diseases. The 14th-century philosopher Desiderius Erasmus understood long ago that "Prevention Is Better than Cure." Ages before antibiotics, chemotherapy, modern-day medical devices and treatments came into usage, this wise and discerning thinker grasped self-evident, eternal truth.
Why is there a continual increase in metabolic disorders and diseases today, in spite of modern-day medical advances? The answer is simple: Western medicine focuses more on treatment than on the prevention of disease. There has been, however, a paradigm shift in the way in which many Americans view healthcare. More and more healthcare consumers are exploring preventative measures to help ward off and avoid disease. This website was created to bring awareness to the discerning consumer about the roles that stress management, proper nutrition, exercise and intermittent fasting play in improving one's health. The benefits are tremendous and pay dividends throughout the years.
This approach to health and well-being is more than an idea; it’s a Lifestyle! That is why we call it, "Living a Lifestyle of Wellness." We welcome you to a new and exciting way of taking excellent care of yourself.
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Dr. CBD & Nutrition Centers
6933 Hillcrest Ave.
University Park, TX 75205
E-mail: drcbdnutritioncentersllc@gmail.com
Phone: 972.863.7775
Fax: 972.863.7781