About L. Angelo DeCamps

Angelo DeCamps has lived in Fort Bend for over 30 years and currently resides here with his wife and eight children. He is extremely proud to be a product of FBISD and is excited to now watch his children grow up in the same environment. As a former student in the FBISD program and now a parent to eight children coming through the FBISD system, Mr. DeCamps knows first-hand how the educational needs for one student can be vastly different from another. He has personally experienced both the strengths, and opportunities for improvement, in the Fort Bend educational program, and is eager to do what he can to further advance the educational system and make a difference for all families in the FBISD area.
To develop and enhance the educational foundation,
Angelo has 4 main priorities
- Hold the administration accountable for the programs the school district provides, and ensure those programs are effective, and useful, especially in regard to Special Education.
- Support our teachers and create efficiencies in the system to ensure our teachers’ time is spent creating tools and inspiring students, instead of managing paperwork. I will remove obstacles that teachers face and become an advocate to ensure their continued productivity and effectiveness in the classroom.
- Provide accurate and clear communication between parents, students, teachers, administrators and district officials regarding district policies and actions.
- Present complete transparency in matters of financial and administrative plans and effectively communicate decisions to the parents, students, and teachers with ample time for all affected to assess and evaluate the impacts.
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