Turquoise Moon Casitas


Turquoise Moon Casitas

Santa Fe, NM

Monthly vacation rentals with a personal touch

phone: 505-795-8400

Turquoise Moon Casitas Vacation rentals

Your home away from home

Turquoise moon casitas specializes in furnished adobe rentals in a
traditional historic neighborhood on the upper east side of Santa Fe. They
are close to Canyon Road, the Plaza and hiking trails in the foothills of
the Sangre de Cristo mountains. They all rent for a month or more,
welcome mature well behaved dogs and are non-smoking.

Enjoy the Santa Fe charm at
Turquoise Moon Casitas


The casitas are in a gated compound in the historic, eastside, quiet neighborhood with easy access to Dorothy Stewart and Dale Ball hiking trails, Canyon road, galleries, restaurants, coffee shops and the Tea House. It is a short walk to
St John's College, Museum Hill, Patrick Smith park and the Santa Fe river.


Chica Casita

One bedroom one bath

Casa Vieja

One bedroom one bath

Casita Escondida

One bedroom one bath

Casa con Vista

Three bedrooms two baths

cozy casita 1
Cozy Casita

one bedroom one bath.