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Hello, I'm coming to you today with the new system on how to play roulette. The system is designed to take out the guesswork on what number is coming out next. With this system you should be able to win at least 7 out of 10 times. It's not a perfect system but then again do you really want it to be? If it was a perfect system casinos would surely stop everybody from playing roulette.
I'm a gambler and I don't think that I've really lost too much money gambling this past year. I always remember to walk away when I’m ahead. I like to walk away when I have at least doubled my money.
One of my best experiences is playing on a Mechanical Roulette table. With a mechanical table you don’t have to worry about or rely on the strength of a dealer’s hand (That surely could be one of worst factors to deal with). With a mechanical Roulette wheel It’s always the same type of spin. Like this image to the left, I always play these types of machines. If you were playing my system sheet you would have won, according to this sheet. I’m willing to give you 2 out of my 3 part strategy guide for free!! If you think it won’t work, try it. If you come back to buy the 3rd secret great if not no harm done.
So like you, I've ordered most of these systems, and come to see that they are JUNK!!!!! There's simply too much to remember and too much of their personal theories. Who needs that? Certainly not a gambler who's just out to make money and go. Don’t be fooled by these people that tell you all you need is $40.00 to start winning. There is always a possibility of not winning right out the gate. I always go with a $100.00 bucks. For this reason and only this reason I say “start with minimum bets”. Remember it's better to win slow than lose fast. If you choose to increase bets, fine. Just do it with the casinos money. Remember, it's called gambling but it's called GAMBLING when it's with your money. When you’re ahead it's called PLAYING, Playing with casino money.
After playing Roulette for so long, you start to notice things about the wheel. When I started playing with a strategy and stopped playing all my favorite numbers I started winning. No it's not a perfect system but my odds are better. Ever wonder why when the ball lands on 0 then 00 back to back? There's a reason why and I'll even tell you. After you purchase my strategy sheet. With my 3 part system I’ll show you when to use the number sheet sure I win 10 to 15 dollars a spin but it's better than losing 20 or 25.
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