We are a professional coaching firm that is committed to helping you gain more personal insight and perspective in life. We believe that life is a beautiful journey that begins before birth and culminates with physical death. We believe that how you live, is the painting that is in the middle. We believe that we have the most power over ourselves and our own choices. Lastly, we believe that everyone has a purpose and legacy whether they want one or not. You can absolutely learn how to successfully control your own narrative.
We know that if you are willing to do the work, we can assist you in painting a masterpiece!
Dr. Rommero has successfully coached leaders for over 30 years. She has extensive experience in education and healthcare arenas.
In addition, she has taught emotional intelligence, strength finders, NLP, and Myers Briggs in many programs and organizations over the years.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
Myers Briggs Skills Training and Assessments
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
Gallup Strength Finders Coaching
Gallup strength finders -assessments and coaching.
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP therapy incorporates a set of language and sensory-based interventions and behavior-modification techniques intended to help improve the client’s self-awareness, confidence, communication skills, and social actions.
Mindfulness and Meditation Training
Discover how to be “awake” in the present without self judgment. Develop skills to ease symptoms of stress , anxiety and pain.
“ I would absolutely recommend Dr Rommero as a coach. She has been instrumental with helping me gain perspective and insight into my professional work and life challenges.”
— Dr E. Pina (Pina and Associates)
“Dr. Renee Rommero had uncanny ability to quickly help me identify my personal strengths, weakness and innate preferences. Working with her has continued to help me grow and stretch myself to utilize my strengths and develop my weaknesses to become a more effective and well-rounded team member, leader, parent and friend.”
— Dr J.Tonley
“Your ability to question, reason and connect ignites a chain of thoughts that has brought me closer to my faith. This closeness brings clarity to life, and has helped me relate and respond to my children, and my family at home and at work. “
— A. Dinani (Kaiser)
"I never lose. I either win or learn."
~Nelson Mandela

Are you ready to make the inner- works journey to becoming more insightful?
Let’s Connect!
Dr. Renee Rommero