Chapel Hill Boarding Kennel | Pet Boarding & Grooming Chapel Hill, NC Country Inn Kennel and Cattery


Call Us: (919) 537-8885
Cell: (919) 669-0892

Open Mon 8am-6pm, Tue-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm, Sun 5pm-6pm
2088 Elkins Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
info@countryinnkennelandcattery.comfacebooktwitter pinterest google

Archive for January 2017

Ensure Pet Grooming with Pet Boarding Facilities in Chapel Hills

Many people appreciate the companionship of animals especially if they are living far away from their family. Some people trust their pets like no other because of their loyalty and love. However, sometimes it is necessary to leave your pets behind when you are going away for work, leisure or other commitments. If you leave…

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Why Grooming is Important for Your Pet?

Grooming is essential for pets. It is not just about making your pet look pretty. Grooming helps you tackle potential health issues of pets as well. Pet grooming allows you to closely monitor the activities of your beloved pets and anticipate potential health issues. However, many pet owners do not understand the concept of pet…

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