Karemore Labs is a COLA accredited and CLIA certified clinical laboratory and is fully HIPAA compliant. Our state-of-the-art toxicology lab is based in Princess Anne, MD and we work with hospitals, physicians and clinics from around the country to look after their organizations and patients.

Mr. Wasim Amir is the president of Karemore labs, Inc. He started the lab in 2016. Mr. Amir is a registered Pharmacist by profession. He started Karemore Pharmacy in 2001. While taking care of his patients' prescription needs, he felt that a dependable toxicology lab in the area would be beneficial to improve the safety of the patients as well as reliability and convenience for the physicians

Amy Hedger, B.S.
Amy Hedger joined Karemore Labs to take on the arduous role of Account Manager. With a Bachelors of Science in Education from Frostburg State University, Amy taught Health and Physical Education for six years. Amy's love for the community grew and she realized more opportunity to serve it as pharmaceutical representative. Amy Hedger is pleased to offer her skills as a veteran sales associate to the Clinical Laboratory setting. She says her favorite attribute about the industry is the impact it has on the everyday patient.

Eric Hanson, B.S.
Eric Hanson holds the position at Karemore Labs as Certifying Scientist / Technical Supervisor. Eric hails from Charleston Southern University where he received his Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and Professional Biology. During his time at CSU, Eric participated in many independent and professor lead research projects to include the Effects of Angiotensin II on Free Radicals and water purification. Since then, he began his career in Clinical Laboratories. While Eric has gained valuable experience on multiple types on analyzers varying from Flame Ionization to general chemistries and Infrared Spectrometers, his main passion and focus has been the LC-MS/MS. At Karemore labs he utilizes a Thermo Scientific to perform a 72 panel drug confirmation on patients’ urine. Eric says the work doesn’t truly begin until he has to actually process all the data put out from the LC-MS/MS.

Tracy Tapman, B.S.
I graduated from Salisbury University with a BS in Medical Technology. I worked as a generalist in my early career. I have been in lab management for the past 14 years. I am very knowledgeable of The Joint Commission Standards and implementing them into good lab practice. I have actively participated in many surveys over the past 14 years, including AABB, TJC, CMS (Delaware State and Maryland State).

Qian Cheng, Ph.D.
Doctor Qian Cheng graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2000 and thereafter completed a Doctorate of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a concentration in Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Arizona. During his study at the College of Pharmacy, Qian completed a graduate thesis on the in vitro reconstruction of the biosynthetic machinery of enterocin, a complicated aromatic polyketide antibiotic. Reported as a cover story in Nature Chemical Biology, Cheng is the first researcher to reconstruct the entire biosynthetic pathway in vitro using up to twelve purified enzymes.
Qian immediately began his career in Toxicology at Vanderbilt University Department of Biochemistry as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. His studies aimed at understanding the metabolism of steroids by cytochrome P450s and research interests included enzyme kinetics and characterization of protein adducts by ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF. A novel cellular dipentaenone was identified and characterized by LCMS/GCMS/NMR. Needless to say, Dr. Cheng is effectively familiar with all forms of method development for a vast array of analytes and their respective scientific instruments. As Karemore Labs’ Lab Director, Dr. Cheng will quickly and accurately build any test profile requested by physicians or providers. Cheng is regarded as a Clinical Chemist by National Registry of Certified Chemists (NRCC). Constantly updating and curtailing test menus to the ever-changing market, Dr. Cheng keeps the LC-MS/MS runtimes low, ensuring fast results. With many CLIA licenses and certifications to uphold, Dr. Qian Cheng guarantees precision and accuracy for every result given from each specimen to enter our Laboratory.
Contact Karemore Labs
12091 Somerset Ave
Princess Anne, MD 21853
(410) 621-0000
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