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Phone: 800- 557-8131
Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm

Dental Laboratories
We refine all dental laboratory scrap material. Crowns, Grinds, Platinum and Palladium Foil, Buttons and Sprues, Alloys, workstation and floor sweeps, vacuum collection bags, filters, flashes. We can also refine your carpet and rugs. The carpet in particular can hold much more precious metal then you expect. We can help you remove the carpet and take it away to be refined and assayed. Whenever possible we will pick up your scrap material, weigh each item and give you a receipt. Processing from pick up to receiving payment takes 2 weeks usually, although large amounts, especially vacuum bags can take up to 3 weeks and carpet processing up to a month. We also provide refining of investment but refining costs for this material are high, so this should only be undertaken when a reasonable of precious metal has been ground into the investment. Your rep can advise you. If it is not possible for a rep to pick up the material we can send you a prepaid UPS label and a shipping materials form for you to complete. This can be emailed to you, so that you do not have to wait to send your scrap into to us. Assay reports are provided with the payment. The assay will show the weight received and the amount recovered for gold, silver, platinum and palladium. We will always assay for all 4 precious metals.
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