About Angelo
Angelo DeCamps lives in Fort Bend with his wife Sarah, and their eight children. He is very active in the community and has worked in the Finance Industry for the last 18 years.
Angelo's Childhood
Angelo DeCamps has lived in Fort Bend for over 30 years. He was educated in Fort Bend throughout his childhood having attended Townewest Elementary, Sugar Land Middle School, and Kempner High School. Mr. DeCamps is very proud to call himself a product of FBISD. Armed with the foundation created for him through his childhood education in Fort Bend, Mr. DeCamps was driven and motivated to complete his Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and further, his MBA in Business Management.
Even as a child, Angelo was a determined and hard-working individual. When he was a teenager, he became a Second degree black belt in Taekwondo and was deemed a state and national champion. He also won the Bronze Medal in the Jr. Olympics and a Silver Medal at the US Open in Taekwondo.
Angelo is a Senior Management Commercial Banker and has for the last 18 years worked to assist small and large business owners with financial programs to grow and prosper their businesses.
Angelo and his wife Sarah live and raise their eight children, ranging in ages from two to twenty, in Fort Bend. With five boys and three girls, the DeCamps currently have six children enrolled in local schools. Two children currently attend Travis High School, one attends Bowie Middle School, two attend Oakland Elementary, and their youngest is scheduled to attend Oakland Elementary in 2020. The two oldest having already graduated from Travis High School, are both pursuing their higher education at Brigham young university–Idaho.
Angelo is an active member of the community. He has been involved with and participated in the Fort Bend Chamber, Richmond & Rosenberg Chamber and served as a member of the YMCA Richmond Board. His volunteer activities range from guiding and mentoring youth as well as assisting with the administrative tasks of local organizations including coaching YMCA youth, serving as a committee member of the Boy Scouts America, and providing logistical support as financial treasurer for troop 732.
As a parent, Angelo strives to teach and guide his children through community involvement. His oldest son is an Eagle Scout and his three other sons are currently working toward the same goal. Angelo is also active in the educational lives of his younger children as a member of the PTA as well as volunteering on campus at every school level including, Twoness Elementary, Oakland Elementary, Pecan Grove Elementary, David Crockett Middle School, James Bowie Middle School and Travis High School.
Angelo DeCamps also worships and serves as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Richmond, TX.
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