5700 Emmons Rd. Fowlerville MI. 48836
Tel: 517-294-0026
Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm Sunday: Closed
Appointment times may very also provide 24 hr emergence service
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We Provide:
Septic tank pumping cleaning
- Septic tank riser installation
- Septic tank filter cleaning and repairs
- Septic tank locating and lid digging
Installation of septic tank risers are beneficial in many ways
- Save yourself from trying to locate and dig the lids to pump or service your tank.
- Also help to prevent damage to your tank by knowing where it is located. (prevent vehicles from driving over or parking)
- Save $$$$ by not paying to have them dug or located.
- Helps to remind you to service your tank.
Most often asked Question in our business is how often should I pump my septic tank.
I explain it like this,
If you never change the oil in your car it doesn't run very good or very long!!
Same goes for your septic drain field!!