Do You Know Your Rights Regarding Child Support?
EZ Affordable Divorce Attorney can advise and represent you in child support calculations, modifications, and child support enforcement matters. Florida laws and statutes have been established to ensure that every child is supported by his or her legal parents. If a parent needs child support modification or to enforce an existing child support agreement that is not being honored, a low-cost attorney for child support issues is crucial.
Don’t let the anxiety of costly legal fees prevent you from receiving the resources needed to provide for your child(ren) or be bound by an agreement that you cannot afford to pay. By not protecting your rights or addressing these critical child support issues with an inexpensive EZ Affordable Florida Child support attorney you could be putting yourself or your family at a greater risk in the future. The affordable legal professionals at EZ Affordable Divorce understand that families amidst a separation or divorce are often monetarily affected and legal fees are among the biggest concerns. This harsh reality is the motivating factor behind EZ Affordable Divorce offering legal fees at an astounding $175 per hour rate.
Do You Have Questions About Child Support Guidelines?
The Florida Child Support Guidelines govern the amount of child support paid, basing child support payments primarily on the net income of both parents, and the amount of time each parent spends with the child(ren). The cost of daycare, health insurance and un-reimbursed medical expenses are also factored into the Guideline amounts. However, a departure from the Guidelines is possible if there are significant travel costs for visitation, or by agreement between the parties. Modifications of the original support order can be requested when financial circumstances change.
Florida Laws Regarding Child Support
Florida laws are very stringent when it comes to enforcing child support payments. Non-payment or delinquency may result in contempt fines, the suspension of driver’s license or a jail sentence. If you have been bound to a child support agreement that you cannot afford or have had a change in your financial situation, a low-cost affordable child support attorney can petition for a child support modification before the situation gets out of control.
For parents who have fallen behind in their child support payments or are at risk of being ordered to pay retroactive child support (arrears) shortly after paternity has been established our low cost, affordable Florida child support attorney can help negotiate a settlement. Settlements can often reduce child support to a lower amount by utilizing the strong negotiating skills of a low-cost child support attorney in Florida.
Need A Low-Cost Attorney For Child Support?
The complicated issues surrounding divorce and family law matters can be extremely challenging. Let us help. We offer a free twenty (20) minute initial telephone consultation – just call 888-982-0480 for information. For your added convenience, we also offer evening and weekend appointments, and we accept all major credit cards.
Feel secure and confident in the decisions you make concerning you and your family. Contact us today to learn about our EZ Affordable low-cost family law services.