Lisa's Background
- Creating, Supporting and Inspiring Seeds of Faith Groups that meet regularly throughout the calendar year.
- Launching the Annual Seeds of Faith Conference May 5, 2017 at Sea Cliff Methodist Church, Sea Cliff New York
30+ years of working in Corporate America in Senior Leadership Roles:
- Member of the top 500 in 420,000 employees
- SVP of Innovations2Solutions & Creative Services: Led 100+ team in various departments.
Member of Network of Biblical Story Tellers since 1997:
The Network of Biblical Storytellers, Int'l. is an international, ecumenical organization whose mission is to encourage everyone to learn and tell biblical stories.
- By memorizing the biblical story, then staging and telling it, transforms the written word bringing it to life.
- “I have heard the story of Christ’s birth many times, but today, I heard it for the first time.”
Christian Seminar Leader
- Led Women’s Day apart retreats: 2016, 2015, 2012
- Led Lenten series workshop 2017
Certified UMC Lay servant since 1999
- Provided leadership, care-giving ministry and witness
- Led meetings for prayer, training study, and discussion in Spirit Builders
- Confirmation and Sunday School: 2009 to 2015
Certified UMC Lay speaker since 2000: Sea Cliff Methodist Church, Lake Ronkonkoma Methodist Church, and Port Washington Methodist Church
- Conducted services of worship and presented sermons.
- Used Biblical Storytelling as effective means of communication.
Kiwanis: Vice President 2015-2017
- Co-Chair of Klothes for Kids 2015-2017: Back to school program for under privileged children.
- Chair for Annual Kiwanis MiniMart 2017 to present: Special Events Coordinator for Street event with 200+ vendors, largest fundraiser for North Shore Kiwanis