The New Star Family Justice Center is a place of hope and healing for anyone experiencing domestic violence. We provide a safe and comfortable place where your story is heard. We surround you with resources and provide you the help and support you need to live free from violence and abuse.
How Can the Family Justice Centers Help Me?
The New Star Family Justice Centers can help you with:
- Planning for your safety
- Needs assessment and case management
- Applying for public benefits, shelter, housing, and other support services
- Mental health and counseling services to support emotional well-being for you and your
children - Information on job training programs, help with resume writing and interviewing skills
- Referrals to education programs, workshops to help with budgeting, and (ESL) classes
- Assistance with Legal help for restraining orders, immigration, etc.
- Advocate support in court appointments
- Childcare available with appointment while you get services at the FJC

RECIPES FOR EMPOWERMENT – A Culinary Healing Journey
Educational Group Meetings
- Be inspired by diverse women through stories of empowerment and healing recipes.
- Learn about key resources for domestic violence and child abuse issues and other life challenges women may be facing or are seeking information.
- Share recipes and empowerment experiences through regular gatherings.
- Support women through their healing process

VOICES – Survivor Empowerment Group
- Providing an opportunity for survivors to find and use their VOICES to help others rediscover theirs.
- Connecting with the community by sharing powerful personal stories about the reality of domestic violence
- Advocating on behalf of the New Star Family Justice Center and the services it offers to victims of domestic violence.

TEEN OUTREACH – Dating Violence Prevention
Empowering Teens to Choose Healthy Relationships through Education, Advocacy and Support.