GPET allied health and services, include different professions under the heading ‘allied health’. However, there is general agreement on some basic principles: allied health professionals are health professionals that are not part of the medical, dental or nursing professions. They are qualified university practitioners with specialized expertise in preventing, diagnosing and treating a range of conditions and illnesses. Allied health practitioners often work within a multidisciplinary health team to provide specialized support for different patient needs.

Usage and Implementation of Advanced Medical Instrument
The equipment and instrument used in overseas medical institutions are comparable and in some cases even better than those used in advance countries. For example, IGRP for cancer treatment can efficiently shorten patient’s time spent on waiting, as well as the usage of PET for cancer screening, freeze ablation and cryoablation treatment, CT scanner and MRI scanner.

GPET Allied Health Service Partners
GPET medical partners maintain medical facilities around the world, striving to provide the best quality of medical services. For example, hospital rooms have the design of a 5-star hotel and the nursing staff provide services similar of a hostess. There are convenient and friendly pharmaceutical service as well as other advance medical treatment centers with a team of friendly and professional medical practitioners.

GPET allied health and services, include different professions under the heading ‘allied health’. However, there is general agreement on some basic principles: allied health professionals are health professionals that are not part of the medical, dental or nursing professions. They are qualified university practitioners with specialized expertise in preventing, diagnosing and treating a range of conditions and illnesses. Allied health practitioners often work within a multidisciplinary health team to provide specialized support for different patient needs.
Anyone who uses prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbals, or other dietary supplements may potentially benefit from medication healthcare therapy management (HTM) services. People who may benefit the most include those who use several medications, have various health conditions, have questions or problems with their current medications, are taking medications that require close monitoring, have been hospitalized/rehabbing, and/or obtain their medications from more than one pharmacy.

Annual Comprehensive Hygiene and Health Review (CHR)
A CHR is an interactive, person-to-person or telehealth hygiene review and consultation of a patients medications (including prescriptions, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, herbal therapies, and dietary supplements) by a healthcare practitioner or qualified provider. The CHR is intended to aid in assessing health hygiene therapy and optimizing patient outcomes.

Personal Healthcare and Insurance Assistance
Our team knows the right questions to ask when it comes to healthcare insurance, and interacting with physicians on your behalf. Get a personal assistant assigned to you and we will handle this process for you, so that your next visit to your healthcare provider would be hassle free.

Access to Articles
Get tips and advice on how to get the most out of your medications and stay healthy. Our team will give you access to articles, that will inform and empower you to move towards better health outcomes and an overall wellbeing.

Healthcare Cost Savings Monitoring
Never worry again about paying too much for your healthcare services. Our team will make sure you have the most current discounts and coupons you need for the most affordable prices available.

Monthly Health & Hygiene Interaction Checker
We check two or more healthcare providers to determine the increase likelihood of your health visits. Our healthcare practitioners will give you expert advice and recommendations.

Monthly Automated Health & Hygiene Restock/Product Updates
Our team will work with you and your family, primary care physician, or specialist monthly, and give you updates each month if there are any changes made to your health history.