The Process
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a room in your house where you’re greeted by the warmth of the sun passing through the glass? If you’re dreaming of this scenario, a sunroom is just what you need. Vision Sunrooms is the company providing quality sunrooms, and patio enclosures at affordable costs in Southern California. At the end of the day, we want to help achieve your dream sunroom at an affordable price. We are only a few clicks or a dial away.

Step #1
NEEDS & BUDGET ANALYSIS: Our first topic of discussion is always – your needs. During our first discussion with you, we create a prioritized list of what you want to include in your project. Our interview isn’t complete until we feel we thoroughly understand what it is you wish to achieve. Your budget is equally important. Knowing your needs and budget allow us to more effectively create a design that will best achieve your vision. We can tell you what we think your project will cost, but that doesn’t help us meet YOUR financial goals. Discussing finances and project goals is an integral part of the initial planning phase.
Step #2
THE DESIGN PHASE: Although a design itself can substantially influence price; finishes can have a major impact as well. From a design and specification standpoint, there are a myriad of elements available that may be utilized to bring together your project needs and budget.
Step #3
THE ESTIMATE: After creating a preliminary design, we generate an estimate that details the cost associated with your project.
Step #4
DESIGN REVIEW: When we have completed our design and estimate, we call to schedule a review meeting. If we are on the right track, but not right on the money, we utilize this opportunity to work with you to further refine the preliminary design and to modify the estimate accordingly.
Step #5
PROJECT COMMENCEMENT: Once the contract documents have been completed, we immediately begin the process of ordering all materials, elements and components needed to fully complete your project. Once everything has been delivered to the project site, the work can commence. Adhering to this policy of “getting everything we need first” ensures your project will be completed in a timely manner and, minimizing any inconvenience to you and your family.
Step #6
START TO FINISH: We would like to think that our commitment to quality and our personal integrity will come shining through to you before, during and after your project is complete.