Hello, My name is Michael and I am an Energy Healer.
I started learning about energy healing and how it works 40 years ago. I’ve spent thousands of dollars and hours perfecting my ability to heal. This began with an unplanned healing, accidental if you will, and the subsequent inquiries; mine as well as all who experienced the result.
My research and my extensive personal library has shown me Energy Healing has been recorded throughout the history of humanity.
It is documented as far back as ancient Egypt, in the Hermetica. It carried on and still has a presence in modern publications. Global Advances in Health and Medicine recently stated energy healing is “the therapeutic applications of subtle energies.” While modern medicine focuses primarily on physiology, whereas I focus more on the aspects of health that are not physical.” In my experience, this has not been the only benefit. I strongly encourage individuals to seek energy healing, not as a last resort, but as a preventative measure for potential worsening conditions. I do help those who come as a last resort when all modern medicine options have been exhausted.
All conditions, regardless of the type and the extent can be addressed by Energy work.
I Have Had Success With The Following:
Cancers- All types. I have a natural connection to cancer patients. If you are afflicted, I can help.
- Parkinson’s
- Broken bones and other injuries
- Spinal injury
- Inflammation
- Arthritis
- Dementia
- General Anxiety Disorder and Depression
- Neurological disorders including seizure disorders
- Pain
- Migraines
There Are Many More My Healing Has Helped.
I am a born healer. I’ve studied numerous authors and practitioners, both from the esoteric and scientific communities. The closest methods I use, categorized as types of Healers, are the Intuitive and Quantum-Touch methods.
There are no “levels” or “Hierarchy” such as in other healing methods. I don’t claim to have studied under or fit into any category besides my own.
My successes with living patients who continue to benefit from my efforts are the joys of my life.
If you or someone you care for has an affliction, I can help you.
I have been limiting my healing to close friends and family in the local area. I recently branched out with trips to the Los Angeles area, at the request of an individual who had exhausted all other options.
My most recent out-of-state experiences, which involved working with high-profile clients, led to my willingness to work with clients in southern Arizona. Energy healing has shown itself to be my purpose in this world, and I plan to push all my energy into it.