What is Final Expense Insurance?
Final expense coverage is life insurance that pays off debts after death, ensuring that everything will be taken care of when you pass away.
Final expense insurance is a type of whole life insurance policy. The benefits of whole life insurance include a guaranteed level premium that will never increase, guaranteed cash value and a guaranteed death benefit that can never get any lower. The cost of final expense coverage is affordable, even if you have some health problems. The application process is quick and easy. You can apply for final expense insurance coverage without having to undergo a medical examination - you simply have to answer the questions on the application and your agent will do the rest for you.
With a policy in place you can rest assured, knowing that your debts will never add to your family's grief. Everything—from the cost of burial to hospital bills and probate attorney fees—can be covered. It's not just the responsible thing to do, it's a final gift to your loved ones in their time of need.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans
DSS Insurance offers affordable Medicare Supplement Insurance plans for those who participate in Medicare. Plans may cover costs where original Medicare does not.
Health & Critical Illness insurances
Health & Critical Care insurance or Critical Illness coverage, provides a lump-sum cash benefit to help cover expenses associated with a qualifying serious illness. Critical Illness can strike at any time. We’ve all heard stories of friends or family members who have been affected by a serious illness. What we don’t hear is how the financial strain may also have a major impact during this trying time.
A primary health insurance plan may cover some health care costs, but oftentimes the patient will face other challenges such as paying everyday living expenses while out of work. That’s when a Critical Illness plan can come into play.
Living Benefits
Living Benefits are the benefits of your life insurance policy that you can use while you're still living. Not only do many policies come with living benefits, but some insurance companies offer several term life insurance policies that includes the following living benefits:
- Accelerate your death benefits when terminally ill
- Protection and cash back with premium term life insurance
- Disability Insurance Helps Protect Your Financial Future
- Disability Income Insurance
- Mortgage Disability Income Insurance
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