
Greater Lily Star Baptist Church
3716 Terrace G, Fairfield, Al 35064


Baby Boomers

Also known as: Boom generation, hippies (subculture)

Approximate dates: 1946-1964

Defining characteristics: Loosely, those born during the post war "baby boom" of the late '40s and ensuing decades, where birth rates significantly increased.

Among their defining experiences were the first space flight, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and later, the Vietnam War and Watergate.

They developed some of the first counter-cultures, and though early boomers were known for their tendencies towards freedom and experimentation, that grew into a sense of disillusionment and distrust for the government for the latter members.

Still, compared to those who followed them, "Boomers tend to value work more than younger generations and see work as being more central to their lives than younger generations."

In the '60s, the stereotype of the generation was a navel-gazing hippie, but now, the generation is more identified with those currently in power.

Challenges: They're rapidly getting older and retiring, and not all of them have saved up enough to be able to do so. The fact that many in this generation led the institutions that caused the current financial crisis didn't help.

Those who are still working, or are forced to work by their financial situation, face an unfortunate bias from employers. Companies don't like to hire older workers, and they don't like to hire those who have been out of the workforce for a long time.


Seniors Plus ("The Greatest Generation")

Also known as: The Depression Cohort, The Silent Generation (later), the G.I. Generation (early), the post-war generation, the seekers.

Approximate dates: Born 1901-1924 (early) 1924-1943 (later)

Defining characteristics: Grew up, and frequently were defined by their experiences growing up, during The Great Depression and World War 2.

"The Greatest Generation" is aterm coined by Tom Brokawto describe a group of people who helped fight and win World War 2, abroad or at home, and helped build the post-war prosperity that helped define the generations after them.

Regarded as having a sense of purpose and duty to country, and working extremely hard to better themselves.

Those too young to serve, called "The Silent Generation," experienced the war as children or very young adults, and were described by the Time story that named them as "grave and fatalistic," inclined to work very hard, but not say all that much.

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