STUCK Disability Designs

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(925) 933-5582


The mission of STUCK Disability Designs is to work conjointly with both public and private entities, without the use of litigation, to educate them on current ADA (Americans with Disability Act of 2010) regulations. This may include, but is not limited to: visual disabilities, physical disabilities, auditory disabilities or any other categories that would be deemed a disability by a treating physician. Our work includes working with site managers, engineers, architects, developers and education of governmental agencies on the need for upgrades or alterations to sites that are structurally feasible and/or financially attainable. STUCK was founded in 2002 and has dedicated its purpose to making the world accessible to all people, regardless of their disability.


STUCK Disability Designs was founded by Carol Lucey and dedicated to her childhood friend Lynn Dickey. At the age of 16, Lynn was paralyzed from the waist down from a motor vehicle accident. The years prior to the Americans with Disabilities Act 1991 provided little for individuals with disabilities. Lynn and Carol, along with a group of young women managed to help Lynn by carrying and lifting her, while at the same time consoling one another when barriers prevented them from fully engaging in activities. The fight for equality continued. Lynn became a US senator from the state of Wyoming and Carol became a commercial architect specializing in the area of Universal Designs.  Unfortunately while lobbying in Washington D.C.,  Lynn was killed in an automobile accident. It was at that time Carol vowed to carry on the philosophy of making the world available to everyone regardless of their disability.  Thus, the birth of STUCK Disability Designs.

STUCK Publications

Contra Costa Times
Contra Costa Business and Financial Times
Momentum Magazine: National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Alameda Times
Fortune 500 magazine

STUCK Recognitions

  • Fortune 500 Magazine: recognized as most notable in the field of expertise
  • LENA award: National Association of Business and Professional Leaders
  • University of California at Davis: Worldwide association of notable alumni
  • Awarded a judgment by HUD against a major developer for ADA deficiencies.
  • Charitable contributions Made to DREDF (Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund), a national lobbying agency founded by the Kennedy Foundation
  • Who’s Who: Cambridge Business and Professional Women
  • Who’s Who: Oxford Business and Professional Women
  • Changed legislation regarding underground parking facilities


Their facilities must be accessible and usable by a person with disabilities. This standard, known as "program accessibility",  applies to all facilities  that existed as of January 26, 1992.

The American with Disabilities Act of Accessibility Guidelines of 1990 is responsible for the development of guidelines for the designs of buildings so they are accessible and usable by people with disabilities. The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is based on common sense. The law recognizes that altering pre-existing structures could be costly and not structurally feasible according to ADA standards, therefore cost-effective steps may be taken to make a building compliant. STUCK will conduct an on site evaluation which will include complete analysis of the interior and perimeter of the building.  Recommendations will be compliant with ADA regulations of both state and federal levels.


Carol Lucey
Disability Design Consultant

Carol Lucey, President and CEO of STUCK Disability Designs, has traveled around the world. She has seen, studied and cherished the people and places at these destinations. Having walked through buildings, educational institutions, cities and homes in China, Indonesia, Egypt, Africa, Vietnam, Australia, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Japan, Spain and many more, to research what, if any, accommodations are made for individuals who face different challenges. Carol earned her Bachelor degree in Architecture and Universal Design from Eastern Mediterranean University and her Bachelor degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology degree from UC Davis. Her mission is to allow access to as many pleasures that life offers to everyone regardless of their disability.

Candy Velasco
Accessibility Specialist / Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapist, earned her Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California, her Master of Public Health from the University of Illinois and her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from UC Berkeley. Candy’s areas of expertise are in the areas of maximizing safety and accessibility in public as well as private entities, identification of fall prevention measures and increasing independence and function in daily tasks through environmental modifications as well as durable medical equipment/assistive devices utilization. As an Accessibility Specialist, her goal is to be a partner in making the community a meaningful place where everyone can access and enjoy by adapting the environment to fit the individual.