STUCK Disability Designs was hired by Hertz Rental car to help eliminate various barriers for handicapped individuals. These included additional handicapped signage in the Hertz parking lot which designated paths of travel for handicapped individuals. STUCK implemented a system for Hertz to identify individuals who have disabilities regarding the check out of hand controlled vehicles or speciality vans.
This procedure required the cooperation of Hertz's clients to fill out a questioner that would indicate immediate access to the client's requests for speciality vehicles saving time and energy on both sides. STUCK Disability Designs also implemented curb side drop off for individuals with disabilities. This would allow each client immediate access to a vehicle and would allow that client to drop off the vehicle curbside at the airport without having to board a bus to return to their flight. A total win win situation for both Hertz and their clients.
Westin Hotel & Resorts
Westin Kauai Hawaii entailed the construction of a ramp from the main lobby area to the viewing deck which was not accessible to a wheelchair. Included in the modification was the addition of handicapped signage throughout the hotel which also included a lift for handicapped individuals so that they might be capable of utilizing the pool facilities.
The Westin Taipei Taiwan primary check-in renovation included signage for handicapped individuals and reconfiguration of the primary guest check in counter allowing for wheelchair accessibility.
Neiman Marcus
The Neiman Marcus project consisted of evaluation of the site that was slated for wheelchair access located at the primary entrance to the building. Site maps and blueprints were drawn utilizing references to the ADA, which includes development of a formula that would take in consideration the grade of the slope where such ramp was to be constructed.
The Neiman Marcus department store located in Walnut Creek, California was evaluated by STUCK Disability Designs in regards to improving entrance to the store through the main entrance for disabled individuals. STUCK did an initial observation and assessment of foot traffic of the surrounding plaza regarding placement of a ramp that would allow disabled access. Dimensions and slope definition was determined relating to the height and length of the ramp. During the assessment STUCK also placed automatic doors with the international symbol of handicapped located on the main entrance.
Fidelity Investments
Stuck Disability Designs was retained by Pembroke Real Estate the Real Estate division of Fidelity Investments to provide them with a complete analysis of the exterior and interior of Ygnacio One, Two and Three a business complex located in the Golden Triangle area of Walnut Creek, California Walnut Creek, California. Areas of inspection were the doors, parking garage, signage, stairs, bathrooms, lighting, paths of travel and availability of services to the disabled community. As a result of the evaluation signage for office directions were improved by adding Braille and offset lettering, stairs required railings with curved extensions at the end of the stairway, bathrooms were inspected to have insulation around any exposed plumbing and signage for handicapped was implemented, paths of travel were marked by the international symbol of handicapped, a monitor with a call button was installed at the entrance but the most important aspect of this project was the height requirements for underground parking was changed permanently by legislation. Stuck proved this by researching the type of vehicles that the parking garage would accommodate finding that since the introduction of Chrysler’s minivan was introduced very few high top vans were being used by handicapped individuals due to the popularity of drop floor vans.
Plaza Escuela and Olympic Place
STUCK Disability Designs was retained by Johnson and Lyman Architectural firm to assess handicapped related issues at the site which is located in Walnut Creek, California. The survey conducted by STUCK resulted in creating paths of travel for disabled individuals, Braille on elevator pads, lowering of drinking fountains and the creation of ramps leading to main entrances of stores.
PAST Projects
- Consultant for 2006 Walnut Creek, California General Plan
- Hertz rental car, City of Walnut Creek, California
- Hertz rental car at LAX airport, City of Los Angeles, California
- R7A Alamo City Park, City of Alamo, California
- Olympic Place Plaza Escuela, City of Walnut Creek, California
- Fidelity Investment/ Pembroke Realty (multilevel business complex), City of Walnut Creek, California
- Neiman Marcus, City of Walnut Creek, California
- Japan Town, City of San Francisco
- RegPark ( Broadway Point public parking garage), City of Walnut Creek, California
- Broadway Shopping Center, City of Walnut Creek, California
- Westin Hotel at Princeville Island, Kauai, Hawaii
- Westin Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
- Regional Park districts (Shell Ridge Open Space, Iron Horse Trail and Sugar Loaf Open Space)
- Blackhawk Auto Museum, City of Danville, California