Someday Foundation

Making Someone's Someday, Today



The Someday Foundation was built on a foundation of generous people like you who were willing to spend a little time and money to contribute to our cause. With two events every year, there are multiple ways to get involved with Someday Foundation.

Swing For A Cure

Held the last Saturday in June, Swing For A Cure is our biggest and most popular annual event. Each year, hundreds of people come together to raise thousands of dollars that is then distributed to those who need a helping hand.

The outing consists of an 18-hole, four-person, best shot golf tournament, with flag events and hole prizes throughout the course, a silent auction, awards and dinner for attendees. Cost of attendance includes registration, a cart, dinner following the event, and a donation to the Someday Foundation. Participants can also choose to attend dinner only, following the tournament.

The next Swing For A Cure is scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 2018 at Timberline Golf Course in Peosta, IA. Online registrations for teams and donations are accepted through Friday June 29, 2018.

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Strike For A Cure

To extend our mission and help those in need year-round, we also host an annual bowling tournament during the winter, Strike For A Cure, to raise additional funds year-round for those in need.

This family-friendly event packs Ten Pin Alley near Madison, WI, for a nine pin, wooden alley bowling tournament on the last Saturday of February. This event is for all skill levels and participants can be matched with a team if registering less than four people. Raffles and 50-50 drawings will be ongoing during the event.

Cost for registration includes access to the tournament and a donation to the Someday Foundation. The next Strike For A Cure is scheduled for Saturday, February 24, 2018 at Ten Pin Alley near Madison, WI. Online registrations for teams and donations are accepted through Friday February 23, 2018.

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