News / Blog
Adolescents are biologically driven to explore their identities and to try new things. The ever evolving brain is still developing its judgement and self-in¬hibition systems. As a result, youth are easily influ¬enced by their peers, act impulsively, and seek out new and exciting sensations. For many teens, these impulses cause them to begin abusing drugs and alcohol. Many of the students at the ACT camp have similar histories and our individualized services of¬fers a unique behavioral intervention.
Our treatment model is effective first because teens are removed from the environment they are cur¬rently struggling in and don’t have access to drugs, alcohol, or negative relationships encouraging their use. This provides distance from the current influ¬ences and stressors of their life so they are able to in¬crease their understanding around their substance use, and develop a commitment to sobriety. The previously harmful and destructive environment is replaced by the peaceful and therapeutic environ¬ment of the ACT camp.
Adventure activities provide natural consequences. Forgetting to pack an essential item before a long hike will quickly teach you this. Once a teen strug¬gling with substance abuse takes responsibility for their actions, the result is personal empowerment, greater awareness, and improved behavior.
In addition, over a period of time with us our stu¬dents improve their overall health through a variety of high-impact, challenging physical activities that push them to expand their limits allowing them to accom¬plish goals they never thought possible. Our students routinely go outside their comfort zone which can be a dynamic and exciting treatment process for some¬one struggling with substance abuse. Additionally, participation in such challenging physical activities also teaches healthy activities he or she can continue to participate in for a lifetime.
We do not offer a “one size fits all” approach. After being properly assessed, our caring and experienced counseling staff develops an individualized treat¬ment plan based on each youth’s substance abuse history. This approach has been clinically proven to be effective.
Research using a large sample of participants (774 adolescents) in wilderness programs for troubled teens with anxiety, depression and substance use reported greater therapeutic engagement and readiness for change, reduction in stress levels, and decreased levels of anxiety and depression. Stu¬dents also reported freedom from substance abuse and dependency. Participants were re-visited af¬ter six months, and the vast majority of behavioral changes had been maintained.
With more than 25 years experience working with at-risk youth, Kris Caffier LCSW, CAADC returns to the camp with passion and vision for the program and she is ready for the challenge ahead. “We strive to give our kids the tools they need to break through boundaries, build self-esteem and establish health¬ier ways of dealing with their stressors. That means really working with kids as individuals and seeing their issues as unique to them.”
From a new logo to new therapy modalities to hu¬man and financial capital investments, Kris has wasted no time making improvements to the pro¬gram. She has added a new Director of Education, Lisa Jenkins, who is focusing on improving the ed¬ucational experience for students at the camp’s on-site private academic school, the Adventure Learn¬ing Center (ALC).
“We have upgraded our security camera system, as well as our student computer lab. Our culinary servic¬es have already greatly improved, as we believe this is an integral component to our milieu. Both students and staff are already complimenting the change.
We are bringing on more youth mentors, professional master’s and bachelor’s level therapists, as well as an addiction counselor. We are centering on a strengths based perspective with our students and increasing opportunities to “catch them doing something right” by utilizing incentives such as voices in student gov-ernment, students of the week, and other ways of ac¬knowledging their strengths.”
Kris looks forward to the year ahead and is excited about the changes that will be coming in 2018. “Over¬all at the ACT camp, we are redefining our program as a therapeutic milieu, which integrates our unique wilderness environment and adventure-based activi¬ties with clinical evidenced informed practices.
We are not trying to have a “one size fits all” ap¬proach. That being said, we will offer specific treat¬ment modalities: anger management, drug and alcohol, family and individual therapy, trauma coun¬seling, skill-based groups, vocational programming to name some. We will be emphasizing family in¬volvement, which is probably my favorite modality of choice.
Specifically this year, we will be expanding the scope of our ACT weekend program. Beginning in early spring, when the weather breaks, the weekend program will be offered every weekend. The core components will remain the same, but with improved programming targeting true community service, adventure based treat-ment, supplemented by therapeutic groups. We have terrific events lined up for spring where these youth will be supporting community non-profit organizations such as the Lehigh Canal Recreation Program.
We have purchased a new strengths based curriculum to use with all students, which integrates relational theory, resiliency practices and skill building. Additionally, our Youth Mentors will be trained in team building exercises. As I said before, family therapy will be a primary focus for many of our youth, as will drug and alcohol interventions. I am excited that our own professionals, who have training and experience in their respective fields, will provide these services on site.
This year, we also anticipate re-affiliation with PACCT, which will bolster the vocational offerings for students. We anticipate running a summer enrichment school program, as we have in the past.“
With Kris at the helm the program is back!
Kristin DeForest, LPC is the new Executive Director of Youth Services Agency and brings with her ex¬tensive knowledge about juvenile justice program management, regulatory and compliance issues, performance and quality improvement, treatment best practices, team-building, and outreach from her work as ED at Edison Court. There she has been an instrumental leader in the company’s expansion and accreditation.
Kristin’s background includes volunteering as a Peer Reviewer for the Council on Accreditation (COA) and serving on the board of a local chapter of Meals on Wheels in addition to serving as the Vice President for the Board ‘s of both ECI and YSA. Her work with other nonprofits gives her credibility with the staff at YSA and makes her ready to lead the charge with a new mission at YSA. In a recent sit down, Kristin discussed her vision moving forward.
Can you talk a little about what partnership with Edison Court means for YSA?
Simply put…the best of both worlds. YSA will now have the oversight and support proven effective at ECI, especially in the areas of clinical programming, compliance, and contin¬uous quality improvement. Our dedicated and experienced management team is excited about reinvigorating such a unique and effective program for at risk youth. By invest¬ing in the Human Capitol necessary to deliver top notch services, the Camp will soon be able to excel at what they do best….providing a peaceful environment full of quality services such as top notch educational instruction; individ¬ualized group, family, and individual counseling; meaningful community service; empathy enhancing animal care; and adventure programming.
Why are you confident in the camp’s new direction and the future for it’s programming?
We have an experienced leader in Kris Caffier LCSW, CAADC who is committed to the program’s new mission. She is not only intimately familiar with the program but brings with her a clinical expertise which is critical in shift¬ing the culture to a more trauma-informed and therapeutic environment. We have been investing heavily in recruiting qualified direct care and clinical staff in order to provide a more substantive service to our youth.
Looking ahead-its six months in the future-what can we expect to see at the camp?
A high functioning academic curriculum that will rival the public schools, staffed by qualified and certified teachers and led by an experienced Academic Director with an in¬tense passion for ensuring that each and every student ex¬periences success.
Individualized clinical services provided by a Master’s Lev¬el therapist, Drug and Alcohol Counselor, and supporting Bachelor’s Level Counselors. Services to include individu¬al, group, and family therapy.
Direct Care staff more fully trained in Trauma Informed Care and ways to engage youth in a strengths based manner. A return to weekly ACT Weekend programming with a more structured service delivery communicated well in advance so referral sources have the information they need when deter¬mining which clients to refer and when based on their needs. A more formal means of tracking outcomes will be imple¬mented as well as a plan for continuous quality improvement at all levels of operations.