Center for Wellness
“Leading the Way for Peer-Delivered Mental Health Services”
Executive Director
Michelle Bidigare, CPSS BBA
Michelle Bidigare oversees the daily business operations of My Place- Center for Wellness: contracts, policies, procedures, financials, marketing, fund-raising and daily interaction with Members, the Board of Directors, Staff, and visiting persons. She develops and facilitates Mental Health Recovery workshops, one-on-one Peer Support. Advocating for the Members of My Place, and Community Outreach Programs are also some of the other duties under her jurisdiction. Her work does involve direct contact with Clinicians, Guardians, Mental Health Providers, Public Safety Employees, Local Officials and our Member's friends and family. Michelle is a Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPSS). She is also a graduate of Central Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Business Administration
- Logan Kavalar, Certified Peer Support Specialist and Program Supervisor
- Chris Wright, Certified Peer Support Specialist and Program Supervisor
- Jeff Peggins, Custodian and Recovery Workshop Facilitator
Our Board
- Ida Colquitt MA, MS, LLP
Board President
Program Coordinator, Northeast Guidance Center - Spencer Silk
Board Vice President
Partner, Franklin CIO Services, LLC - Gregg Streicher
Board Treasurer
Bookkeeper, Strategic Brand Solutions - Jackie Horn
Board Secretary
CEO, Missing Piece Project - Debbie Streeter
Board Member
Member of My Place – Center for Wellness - Ella Taylor
Board Member
Housing& Homeless Advocate, My Place – Center for Wellness - Steven Lepsetz
Board Member
President, Farquharson, Pointon & Lepsetz, CPA's
Please know that a portion of My Place – Center for Wellness funding comes from our partner, Easter Seals. The other portion must come from YOU and it’s what makes us - US. With your support, the extraordinary efforts of My Place – Center for Wellness will continue. Food supplied by Forgotten Harvest in Partnership with the following organizations: Easter Seals of Michigan, Oakland Community Health Network is funded, in part, by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Food supplied by Forgotten Harvest
In Partnership with the following organizations: Easter Seals of Michigan
Oakland Community Health Network is funded, in part, by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.