Center for Wellness
“Leading the Way for Peer-Delivered Mental Health Services”
By making a donation to My Place – Center for Wellness you provide friendship and unique experiences and opportunities for children, teens and young adults with special needs. Donate now or consider one of the other giving opportunities below. Thank You!
An essential part of our mission is to enhance the lives of people with disabilities...a goal we could not achieve without the effort and skill of our dedicated volunteers My Place – Center for Wellness volunteers do much more than simply give of their time and talent. They form relationships that can change the lives of everyone involved in remarkable ways.
We have volunteer opportunities for all ages, including teens and high schoolers, VOLUNTEERS MUST BE 18 OR OVER.
individuals and families, as well as for corporate and community groups of any kind or size. You can volunteer once a year or make an ongoing commitment. From the novice volunteer to the highly skilled – volunteering at My Place – Center for Wellness can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Come help us with bingo, pool table, computers, etc., or help us with our fundraising through grant writing, press contacts and solicit.
Becoming a volunteer is easy!
- Contact us at info@MyPlaceCenter.org to schedule a visit and a volunteer orientation.
Support Needs
- Maintain our web site
- Hire additional Peer Support Specialists
- Seek volunteers from the Community
- Increase space and update if greater occupancy is permitted
- Rent or lease a van for outings
To make a tax-deductible donation to My Place – Center for Wellness, click here.