Paintings and Drawings by Frank Azzopardi

Architectural Expressions


1001 Architectural Expressions of Psyche, Soul, & Spirit
Throughout time, architectural structures have reflected the psyche of the cultures that created them. This is not true of today’s architecture. We live in a time when social I interaction has nearly ceased. This lack of sociability has lead many an individual to develop absurd peculiarities of psyche and personality. Contemporary architecture should provide an outlet for today’s individual to expressively reflect the Psyche, Soul, and Spirit of this new breed of inner-self.

1001 Architectural Expressions of Psyche, Soul, and Spirit is a unique, 10,000 word, 1001 design book intended to shake up conventional thought about architecture… Its mission is to relieve modern day stress and anxiety generated by avant-garde convictions and contemporary sentiments of those inner-selves that have no conventional means of expressing themselves other than through unconventional architecture. The uniqueness of this book lies in the elasticity of the totally new concepts it presents.

Chapter 1 illustrates the symbiotic harmony achieved by the interaction of the architectural spirit with that of its inhabitant. Chapter 2 enlightens the reader as to why these structures, when viewed in a broader collective sense, become culturally reflective of the soul, passions, and convictions of the communities that house them. Chapter 3 walks the reader through 10 steps of modifying and remodifying the ink drawings into awe-inspiring, unconventional structures expressive of the inhabitant ants inner-self.

1001 Architectural Expressions of Psyche, Soul, & Spirit provides the light and the way needed to encourage architectural old-timers as well as new jacks into crossing the bridge between conventional architecture and distinctively different architecture expressive of the individual personas of today's people. This book is not just for architects. It is an invaluable source of creative expressions that can be used for a broad range of projects by artists and designers, students of philosophy or psychology, or anyone who wants to be provoked into thinking beyond convention.

Hand signed on title page in ink by author, $29.99, free shipping no refunds. If you are interested purchasing this book contact me at for payment instructions.