Meet The Author

Jeff Jackson
Christian, Layman, Blogger
Many years ago as a young man in my early twenty’s, I sensed God speaking to me as I sat at home watching a football game. I ended up doing something that at that time could only be explained as bizarre for me at the time. I opened up the Bible at halftime of that football game and began to read it.
I sensed the Lord Jesus Christ calling me to surrender my life to Him and trust Him to get me into heaven. I answered that heavenly call by asking the Jesus Christ to come into my life and change me, and to forgive me for my sin. Jesus Christ heard my prayer, and can into my life that day, and I have never been the same person since. That was forty years ago. As a man who regularly meditates on the Word of God, I have a burden to see those truths He has spoken in the Scriptures accurately represented and believed on.
It is my hope and prayer that this Blog helps to clarify some of the truths and misunderstandings out there about things you may have heard and believed about things God said, by looking in the Scriptures at things God actually said.