Welcome to Hot Springs Family First Care
Hot Springs Family First Care, also known as HSFFC; provides residential services and support to an individual with either Intellectual/Developmental or Mental diagnoses or both with a support home provider.
Why Choose Us?
HSFFC successfully matches an individual through informal and formal interviews, background checks, and person-to-person visits. Each person is different and each support home family is different.
Our support homeowners have been trained to deal with challenging behaviors, all have behavior therapy training.
For a person to be eligible, they have to be assessed by Optum and have a tier level of 2 or 3 and belong to one of the PASSE's.
If they have a mental health diagnosis only they have to be under the age of 21. Parents or Guardians DO NOT give up their rights as parents, they may visit at any time and children may go home on visits whenever they wish.

Our Mission is to give every person a chance to live in the community without boundaries. In our support home program, we have had a very high success rate where the person has made progress.

If you are interested in either becoming a support home provider or have a loved one that needs residential care, please contact Debbie New at 501-251-4173 or email hotspringsfamilyfirstcare@gmail.com or oliveoil71957@yahoo.com