Prestige Clinics


Archive for August 2017

Welcome to Prestige Clinics

Welcome to Prestige Clinics!

JED in the Money

Dr. Jay Joshi of Prestige Clinics joins Jim Dedelow on JED in the Money

Posted by WJOB on Thursday, September 21, 2017

As a practicing Physician, and an employee at Prestige Clinics, it is my pleasure to invite you to our grand opening. The vision at Prestige Clinics is nothing short of ambitious: we want to empower the patients to define their healthcare experience. That means we mutually discuss the diagnosis, and the appropriate treatment protocol. We use evidence based medicine, clinically proven treatment protocols, and integrate that therapy into your lifestyle to create a healthcare delivery model that works for you.

We treat common chronic conditions, like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hypothyroidism, with the same care and diligence as we would more complicated conditions. At Prestige Clinics, you understand why you are on certain medications, and you will be able to tell if your current therapy is working or not.

That is the Prestige Method: outcomes focused healthcare using the latest clinical studies to define a set method of care.

We hope to see you soon.


Dr. Joshi

Welcome Prestige Patients!

“Did I make that appointment earlier today?”

“Will I have enough time to finish up the things I need to do today?”

“Wow, I have been waiting for quite some time. I hope I get to see my physician soon.”

Chances are, these are things that you have thought to yourself or even said out loud the last time you visited your Physician. The sad thing is that this has become all too common at many physician and clinic systems. And for many patients, this creates a significant burden to their lives: missed work days, deferred family obligations, and transportation needs. And according to a recent report in Becker’s Hospital Review, waiting times are on the rise.

Think about Sara, the 53 year old Hispanic female with three high school aged children feeling the burden of waiting time as she looks at her watch and wonders if she will have enough time to cook dinner? In the first thirty minutes her wait time, she finds out that her husband will get home from work late, leaving no car for her eldest daughter, who needs to drive to her classmate’s house and study for her Biology final. She believes that if she can see her physician and leave within fifteen minutes, she should be able to let her daughter use her car. Yet, fifteen minutes later, she is still in the waiting room. After an hour of waiting, she realizes that not only will she be home to let her daughter use her car, but she will not be home in time to cook dinner. She ends up calling her youngest son and tells him to order pizza for the family. After an hour and ten minutes of waiting, she is flustered and more focused on the needs of her family to even think about her own medical conditions. Her physician, a kind, but stressed elderly man, rushes through the patient visit as he himself is running behind. As a result, she forgets to ask her physician if there are any generic versions of her diabetes medication available. She struggles to meet her medical bills and needs to find ways to lower her overall medical costs. Yet, the haste of the patient visit left Sara scrambling to get home and take care of her family.

Sadly, this is the story for many patients.

What options are available to patients? Empower your health care experience by taking control of all aspects of the patient, physician encounter. Many patients do not realize that they have the option of seeking physicians who are punctual, value their patients’ time, and focus on the patients’ lives as much as their medical conditions. That is the vision at Prestige Clinics: a forward looking health care model in which the patient is treated as a person and as a patient. Prestige Clinics creates customized health care protocols in which patients can manage their health care experience based upon their personal and health care needs.

So for Sara, she can visit her physician at Prestige Clinics, and have minimal to no waiting time. She can come in and out, and get back to her life as mother. Alternatively, she has the option of converting her visit to a telemedicine appointment in which she does not have the stress of prolonged waiting room time and family obligations. She can instead communicate with her Prestige physician through a telemedicine interface and ask – without any haste or stress – all the medicine questions she has. Prestige physicians will respect her time, and coordinate her visits – both in person and via telemedicine – based her upon her preference.

And Sara is not alone. Many patients are making the switch to physicians who respect their time and who treat their patients as equals. According to the Becker’s report, 40% of all patients are willing to see a new physician who respects their time better. We at Prestige Clinics emphasize patient respect and place their priorities above all. And we welcome all the Sara’s of the world to come and experience the Prestige Clinic, and become Prestige patients!

Come join your friends, family, and neighbors at Prestige Clinics!

Health care is changing. Anybody who has observed the political landscape or seen their physician over the past few years can attest to that. But what do the changes mean for patients: more paperwork, more pushback from insurance companies, more stress, more out of pocket expenses. In short, more burden, and a truly negative experience.

But within this sea of despair lie opportunities for improvement. There are champions for change who believe that patients should be treated better, who believe that health care should focus on the patient first. Prestige Clinics is that champion.

At Prestige Clinics, patients are empowered to customize their clinical care. So two patients, both diabetics, are not considered just two patients with the same medical condition. Each of the two patients are treated as two individuals. The first patient, a diabetic male, who was just promoted to sales manager of his company, is concerned that his new role may increase his stress and raise his blood sugar. The second patient, a diabetic female, who balances life as a receptionist with her two young children, is concerned that her second diabetic medication is costing her too much. Both diabetic patients, but with different needs and different priorities.

Champions of patients, like Prestige Clinics, are learning that, in this changing health care environment, there are opportunities to create a patient-first approach to health care using technology and unique forms of patient care. Patients now have opportunities to visit their physicians via telemedicine, or ask patient sensitive questions through a HIPAA secure patient portal where only the patient’s physician can read and respond.

At Prestige Clinics, patients have access to these unique care options. Patients can work to quit smoking by re-enacting their smoking behavior through virtual reality simulations. Patients can see their physician via telemedicine during days that their work or family obligations simply won’t allow them to come to the physician’s office. And patients are constantly engaged with their physician through customized emails, text messaging, or in-person educational seminars.

We treat the patients as people, and treat patients on their terms.

Now you may ask yourself, do I really need all this technology? Well, just take a quick look at your day: how do you get directions to any location?, how do you say hello to your grandchildren? Technology has changed the way we as people live our lives. And it is time that technology improves our health care experience.

Studies show that patients are very capable in adopting new technologies. Patients are intelligent, quick to adapt, and recognize where technology can improve their health care. In fact, many physicians, health care systems, and insurance companies have lagged behind patients in adopting new technologies. We at Prestige Clinics keep up with the changing health care landscape and with patients’ needs.

We adjust our care to the patients, and provide service that are on patients’ terms. Come see why so many patients are turning towards the Prestige Clinics experience.

You owe it to yourself

You owe it to yourself.

You owe it to yourself to find the primary care physician who can best treat your medical conditions on your terms and within your schedule. But change is hard. And we agree. It is hard to change from your existing primary care physician to a new physician, even if the new physician provides better quality of care. As with any relationship, the hardest step is taking the initiative to make the change. It starts by valuing and respecting yourself. Far too often we settle into a familiar relationship regardless of whether it is good or bad for us.

Whether it’s a family, friend, physician, or work relationship, the people in your life can either add to your happiness or increase your misery. Physician relationships can help you live your best life or hold you back. When visiting the doctor creates stress, impacts your daily life, and adversely affects your family, personal time, you should strongly consider whether to continue seeing that physician or leaving, for a better physician experience.

Choosing to end a physician relationship can be a difficult decision. But if you choose to empower your healthcare experience, Prestige Clinics is the right relationship for you. Here are five steps to help you make the right decision and visit Prestige Clinics.

1. Determine Whether Prestige Clinics is In-network

Most health plans have negotiated special rates with certain doctors who provide innovative health care customized for the patient, and you will pay less out of pocket for visiting those doctors, who are called “in-network” for insurance purposes. Ensuring that you select an “in-network” doctor at Prestige Clinics will help you avoid a surprise “out-of-network” charge or having to pay in full out of pocket because the doctor you’ve selected doesn’t accept your insurance plan.

To see whether your Prestige Clinics doctor is “in-network”, please call us at 219-301-5477 to learn which insurance plans we cover.

2. Find a Prestige Clinic Doctor that Meets Your Health Needs

There are several different types of doctors that will be identified as a primary care physician. But few Physicians support the Prestige Clinics mantra of providing health care on your terms. As you begin to look for a physician, ask the office staff about the doctor’s flexibility and willingness to cater to the patients. If you find that the doctor has unnecessarily long wait times, or is on vacation half the year, that doctor is not likely to cater to your health needs.

3. Ask for Referrals

Many people feel most comfortable visiting a physician who is recommended by someone they know, like a family member, co-worker or friend. Ask around and see what your friends and family say about Prestige Clinics.

4. Think About Logistics

Do you want a doctor located close to your home or office? You’ll also want to consider office hours – what days and times does the doctor see patients? Will you need to take time off work to visit the office, or can you go after work or on weekends? All Prestige Clinic doctors now use email, tele-medicine, or an online portal to communicate with patients, which may be another item of importance to tech-savvy communicators when selecting a physician.

5. Visit the Doctor

Nothing can really give you a feel for whether you’ve selected the right doctor like an office visit and a face-to-face meeting. Be sure you feel comfortable in the office and with the physician and nurses. Your primary care physician should be someone you trust and can rely on to help manage your healthcare. Talk with him or her about any current medications you are taking and your medical history to be sure you are on the same page when it comes to managing any chronic conditions.

To learn why Prestige Clinics is the right health care choice for you, please visit us during any one of our four upcoming open house sessions:

October 11th from 10am to 1pm

October 25th from 12pm to 3pm