About Us
One Club, One Vision… Go Blues!!!
- One Club. Each club member supports all of our teams, players and families.
- We operate as a cohesive club. Coaches work with each other to identify player talent, maintain communication and encourage a family-like atmosphere.
- One Vision. To be Northern California’s premier soccer program.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Blues FC is to enhance the developmental & life experience of all of our youth soccer players through:
- The creation of a fun, exciting and competitive soccer environment in which our players are challenged to be the best they can be.
- An atmosphere that encourages our players to grow into responsible, accountable and exceptional young men and women who eventually want to give back to the next generation of soccer players
- Soccer is an art not a science and the game should be played attractively as well as effectively. Soccer is a game of skill, imagination, creativity and decision making. Coaching should not stifle, but enhance these elements.