Latrobe Luxury Storage Condos

Condo Sizes

For our Latrobe site, our condos will be built to match our 2 most popular dimensions:

  • 24' x 50'
  • 24' x 100'

Pricing is being finalized for the El Dorado Hills location and should be available shortly.

We will be structuring our pricing in phases. There will be a price increase at the beginning of Phase II and Phase III.

There will only be 60 luxury condos available:

  • 20 condos in Phase I, 20 condos in Phase II, and 20 condos in Phase III. Based on our previous experience, we expect to sell out Phase I before we break ground.

Reservations, Timeline & Process:

  • Complete your name, address and other contact information on the following link: Contact Us
  • We will be sending you updates as they become available on the following: Completion date, final property layout, Phase I availability and other details.
  • Once we've received approval from EDH County to break ground, we will be taking reservations which will require a $50,000 non-refundable deposit.
  • Once we receive your deposit, you will meet with our designer to customize your luxury condo.